The Library receives donations of bibliographic materials, which should be in agreement with the Library Collection Development Policy, aiming:

- Complementing the collection, through the incorporation of relevant non-existing materials or adding new units to attend the demand;

- Fulfill collection failures 

- Adjusting to the physical space

- Physical conditions of the material

The donor shall send previously, by e-mail (, or fax (55 11 2114-8458), a list of donations containing the following information:

- For books: book’s author, title, edition and publishing year;

- For magazines: title, year or volume, number and publishing year;

- It shall consist in the list, the name of the donor, address, contact telephone and e-mail.

The analysis of the material will be made by the librarians, mainly, being submitted to the appreciation of the docent of the specific area, when needed, indicated by the Academic Unit.


After analysis, the donations will be received in the Library, along with 2 (two) copies of the Donation Form, filled and signed by the donor.

It is the donor’s responsibility of the employee who receives the donation, provide the donor a copy of the Donation Form signed and dated by them.

The Library reserves the right of not returning the non-selected works to the donor and repost them to the institutions for institutions in which there is exchange.