
The II INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF CONTEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES: INTELLIGENT, HUMAN, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND THE NEW URBAN AGENDA is organized by the Research Groups (CNPq): “Contemporary Administrative Law”, “Public Policies as an instrument for effective citizenship” and “State and economy in Brazil”. The event aims to forward discussion about the city and its innovations and Technologies and its ability to improve citizens’ lives and optimize the costs of planning and territorial ordering, as well as the need to develop regulatory milestones capable of providing legal certainty for the contractual legal relations implementing these urban changes and all this enrironment in connection with the New Urban Agenda proposal (United Nations).

Furthermore, the event will reflect the challenges and limits of contemporary administrative law, considering the growing use of technologies and innovations in the environment of Brazilian cities and large Latin American centers, establishing possibilities for comparison and exchange of international experiences in the field of regulation and analysis of this problem.

This International Meeting will be composed of lectures by professionals working in urbananism, in applied technology, in the legal area and others associated areas, together with presentation of academic papers, in which it will be discussed, based on the related central axis: innovation, technology, regulation, sustainable urban development - the environmental and social repercussions of the use of technology in urban space, the right to the city and the new urban agenda.

Meeting Information

II INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF CONTEMPORARY ADMINISTRATIVE LAW AND SUSTAINABILITY CHALLENGES: INTELLIGENT, HUMAN, SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND THE NEW URBAN AGENDA, will be held on October 30 and 31, and November 01, 2019, at the Mackgrafe Auditorium at the Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Campus São Paulo. Consolação Street, 896 - Consolação, São Paulo – SP.