A Licenciatura visa formar o professor de Língua Portuguesa e de Língua Inglesa para a educação básica. O Curso é totalmente integrado aos cursos de pós-graduação (Stricto Sensu e Lato Sensu) da UPM: mais de 70% do corpo docente tem atuação destacada nos dois níveis de formação em Letras; professores de Pós-Graduação coordenam grupos de pesquisa que congregam alunos de Iniciação Científica; palestras com professores e palestrantes convidados são oferecidas em conjunto; alunos da graduação frequentam disciplinas da Pós-Graduação; existe relação das disciplinas da Graduação com as Linhas de Pesquisa dos Programas de Mestrado e Doutorado. Além disso tudo, o Curso de Graduação e os cursos de Pós-Graduação dialogam em diferentes projetos e cursos, com base nas seguintes linhas de pesquisa: Procedimentos de constituição dos sentidos do discurso e do texto, Literatura e suas relações com outras linguagens, Linguagem e discurso na comunicação, Literatura e discurso religioso e Linguagem, educação e estudos lusófonos.
The Letters Course for Teacher Training aims to develop the Portuguese Language and English Language teacher for Middle and High School. The Bachelor’s degree prepares the student to work in different areas that cover the Languages’s field. The course is fully integrated with the UPM’s post-graduate courses (Stricto Sensu and Lato Sensu): more than 70% of the faculty have outstanding performance in the two levels of training in Letters; Post-graduate professors coordinate research groups that congregate students of Scientific Initiation; lectures with professors and invited speakers are offered together; undergraduate students attend post-graduate subjects; the undergraduate subjects are related to Master and Doctorate Research Areas. In addition, the Undergraduate Course and Post-graduate courses dialogue in different projects and subjects, based on the following research lines: Procedures for the constitution of the senses of discourse and text, Literature and its relations with other languages, Language and discourse in communication, Literature and religious discourse and language, education and Lusophone studies.
The job market
It is a job market in expansion, either by the strategic role that education assumes in the knowledge society, or by the priority aspect that it has been receiving from public policies (which also involve the revaluation and wage recompositing of the teaching career), whether by the large number of school age Brazilians who are still out of school.