Estructura curricular

Actividades Programadas Obligatorias (APO)

Final Completion Work

The Final Completion Work of the course may be a Dissertation.
However, preference will be given to Applied Research Projects, especially in partnership with similar companies and/or organizations.
The Conclusion Paper should be a detailed report of this Applied Research presenting all its development and the results obtained.
This Applied Research project may consist of different types:
a) Application development and respective R&D report;
b) Prototype development and respective R&D report;
c) Development of Product or Artifact or Technological Tool and R&D report;
d) Technique or Process Development and respective R&D report;
e) Technological Project and respective R&D report.
The student must publish the results of his applied research in a medium endorsed by the program and by CAPES for professional master's degrees.

Horario de clase

Período ofrecido: Noche

Días de la semana: lunes, martes, miércoles y jueves

NOTA: Los estudiantes deben asistir a clases uno o dos días a la semana.

Horario: 19:00 a 22:30