The professional master's course will require a minimum of 50 (fifty) credit units in mandatory disciplines and programmed activities, comprising:
I- 12 (twelve) credit units in compulsory disciplines;
II- 12 (twelve) credit units in optional disciplines;
III- 14 (twelve) credit units, referring to the qualification of the project and public defense of the Final Conclusion Work;
IV- 12 (twelve) credit units corresponding to mandatory programmed activities.
Mandatory Scheduled Activities (APO)
Students of the Professional Master's Degree in Applied Computing must complete a minimum of 12 (twelve) credit units of Mandatory Programmed Activities (APO).
The APO’s can be chosen by the student, in agreement with their Advisor, according to the list below:
Mandatory Scheduled Activities (APO)
Credits referring to APO's must be validated by the Program Coordinator, after hearing the Advisor, who will deliberate on the relevance of the work developed and adequacy to the Program's Research Lines.
Final Completion Work
The Final Completion Work of the course may be a Dissertation.
However, preference will be given to Applied Research Projects, especially in partnership with similar companies and/or organizations.
The Conclusion Paper should be a detailed report of this Applied Research presenting all its development and the results obtained.
This Applied Research project may consist of different types:
a) Application development and respective R&D report;
b) Prototype development and respective R&D report;
c) Development of Product or Artifact or Technological Tool and R&D report;
d) Technique or Process Development and respective R&D report;
e) Technological Project and respective R&D report.
The student must publish the results of his applied research in a medium endorsed by the program and by CAPES for professional master's degrees.
Class Schedule
Period offered: Evening
Days of the week: Monday to Thursday—Friday
NOTE: Students should attend classes one or two days a week
Opening hours: evening from 19:00 to 22:30