The supervised internship program (which is subject to the UPM General Statutes Regulation and Federal Laws, which governs the issue) is compulsory for students of the Architecture and Urbanism and Design School.
For the Architecture and Urbanism program it must be completed between the beginning on the 1st stage and end of the 10th stage, preferably between the beginning of the 6th stage and the end of the 8th, comprising a minimum of 200 hours of internship.
For the Design program it must be completed between the beginning of the 1st stage ad end of the 7th stage, comprising a minimum of 183 hours of internship.
The program is managed by the University administrative sector, the "Administrative Internship Area" (AAE) , which defines procedures and necessary documents for the consolidation of the registry of the three agents involved in this process: University/Faculty, Student and Company/Professional.
The internship is a very important activity for the undergraduate student of Architecture and Urbanism or Design, as it complements his learning with a real world view through the work done in companies or public agencies. The activity aims at the professional improvement in his/her area of study, strengthening the practical knowledge of the fields gained in the classroom.
The Student internship is obligatory, not configuring an employment relationship , but entails some rights such as the receipt of a scholarship or salary, if stipulated, fulfillment of assignments and compulsory insurance against accidents, and after 1year of internship, 30-day paid vacations. The college has an Internship Coordination that supports students before and during the internship period.
The student may undertake a non-compulsory internship, with the same procedures as the compulsory internship, but not counting time to fulfill the mandatory hours.
For the undergraduate program in Architecture and Urbanism the activity of internship supervisor in the company or the professional can only be exercised, and therefore accepted for the purpose of registration of the internship contract with the AAE by professional Architect and Urbanist with professional registration in the Architecture and Urbanism Council (CAU) or professional civil engineer with registration in the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy (CREA). The program aims to lead the student to experience and confront the knowledge acquired in the academy with the professional practices developed in public agencies and private companies of Architecture and Urbanism, Civil Engineering and Construction , Public Agencies of Planning and Management with the specific purpose of improving his training as Architect and Urbanist.
The program also has the training Activities Monitoring Report (RAE), a privileged source for verifying the improvement of the student knowledge and the relation of this knowledge to the professional practice, both from the point of view of the grantor and the trainee, giving feedback on the effectiveness of the teaching and learning, from the perspective of the labor market. This report must be present as a mandatory document for recording the internship hours fulfilled by the student, in the undergraduate in Architecture and Urbanism or Design program.

Prof. Me. Edson Lucchini Junior
- +55 (11) 2114-8192
Bldg. 10, 1st Floor / room 102

Luciana Rocha Pitta
Administrative Assistant