The Board of Education (DIRED) is responsible for the Superintendency of Technical and Basic Education (SUPEB), being responsible for the pedagogical conduct of the Schools: Higienópolis and Tamboré and Escola Presbiteriana AEJA Mackenzie (SP); Brasilia (DF); Palmas (TO); Christian Institute (PR); and Higher Education Units in Rio de Janeiro and Brasília.
The main objective is to promote an education anchored in confessional foundations, embodied in the Mission, Vision, Values of the Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, with the absorption and production of a traditional, innovative and creative pedagogical model at the same time. Therefore, we work in four interdependent dimensions: pedagogical, physical and technological infrastructure, management and business.
PhD in Education from Mackenzie Presbyterian University, he is graduated in Accounting Sciences; specialized in Financial Administration, Auditing and Controlling; he has a master's degree in Business Administration; and Governance in the Course for Board Members at IBGC – Brazilian Institute of Corporate Governance. For over 30 years he has worked as an executive in the Administrative, Financial, Controlling, Planning and Educational areas of companies in the Commercial, Industrial and Higher Education segments. He was a member of the Council of Institutions Fundação Educacional José Manoel da Conceição and Associação Beneficente Douradense.