The Undergraduate Program in Design at the School of Architecture and Urbani School at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (FAU Mackenzie), has as its main objective to provide students with professional assets aimed at the ever changing design workplace. Focusing the abilities and competences highly valued in this field, the generalist understanding will allow students to evaluate and act accordingly to a rapidly transforming society. Particular attention is given on social and cultural studies coupled with wide technological expertise.
Created during the early 70s, it was known as the course of Industrial Design. It matured throughout the progress as it entertained different areas of activities. These were mainly directed to product and graphic design, which were the main sub-areas at the time. In 2006 the course was transferred to the FAU Mackenzie School and renamed Design, reflecting the focus on project, FAU’s main identity.
The current Pedagogical Project, approved in 2014, takes in consideration national and international contemporary trends according to which designers embrace an increasingly flexible and wide role as problem solver. As a creative activity geared towards the betterment of form, function and symbolic embodiment of our material culture, the Design program at FAU prioritizes a wide range of multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary knowledges linking theory and practice. It is directed to furnishing graduates with self-motivation both in decision making and information gathering in order to proactively interfere on a range of different fields of design such as services, on the private and public sectors, ONGs, academic research or as an entrepreneur.
The Work Market
The designer has a great responsibility in the society to put the human being in the center of the activity of producing the objects and the services that bound our material culture and the environment in which we live today, characterized with its immense complexity.