Mackenzie, always a pioneer!
This was the first Professional Master's Degree in the field of Computer Science, approved by CAPES in the state of São Paulo!
The course follows the fundamental principles of a Professional Master's Degree that proposes to have standards of excellence and a deep interrelationship with the market, bringing the concrete practical side of applications.
That is why this course seeks to:
a) to intensively disseminate modern technology along two fundamental lines:
. Data Science and Applied Analytical Methods and
. Interactive Systems;
b) have proven practical applicability of the technologies explored, so that they can be effectively introduced in different types of organizations, contributing to the advancement of these institutions and their professionals;
c) provide a level of advanced qualification to graduates, with a solid transfer of knowledge, so that it is reflected in technological advancement and in the competitiveness and productivity of their companies, thus having repercussions on Brazilian society itself and on the country's progress,
d) enable the real transfer of knowledge to students, which can cause a significant professional impact on their careers;
e) qualifying professionals not only in technological matters, but also for an ethical attitude towards professional life situations and the application of knowledge acquired in the course.

Job Market
The Professional Master's in Applied Computing operates in two LINES of RESEARCH, which are reflected in the training of graduates and in their job market:
“Data Science and Applied Analytical Methods”, in which the egress will master the current instruments for the Big Data/Analytics environment involving the discovery of knowledge in large masses of data and the optimization of complex combinatorial problems, involving Artificial Intelligence, notably Machine Learning techniques, such as Deep Learning, as well as advanced Statistical Analysis and Operational Research.
This is an area where the market is buzzing. Professionals with this knowledge are intensely sought. It has been considered for years as the IT area most sought after by companies.
“Interactive Systems”, where the graduates will have worked with the concept of UX – User Experience, which seeks to deal with the human side of technology, where development is done based on preferences, needs and opinions of users, in order to guarantee that the user experience is the best possible with the technological artifact. All stages of the process of developing interactive systems are worked on in the course: conception, project, execution and evaluation, until its insertion in the market. The student should be able to manage this complete cycle. This is another booming area of the market. The search for professionals has been very intense, being systematically placed as one of the five most sought after in IT.
Recomendado pela CAPES