Infrastructure and Health Board is responsible for the Infrastructure Superintendence, Special Projects Superintendency, Security Management, Asset Management, for the Hospital Universitário Evangélico Mackenzie de Curitiba (PR), Faculdade Evangélica Mackenzie do Paraná, Hospital Dr. and Mrs. Goldsby King de Dourados (MS) and Escola Técnica Vital Brasil (MS).
He has a PhD in Science from the Universidade Federal de São Paulo, a specialization in Human Resources for Health from the National School of Public Health/Fiocruz and a specialization in Public Health from Unaerp. He was president and executive director of the Fundação de Ensino Superior do Vale do Sapucaí, in Pouso Alegre (MG), sponsor of the Hospital das Clínicas Samuel Libânio, he was vice-rector and professor of the Medicine course and of the Master's degree in Bioethics at the Universidade do Vale do Sapucaí. He was deputy director of the Board of Decentralized Health Actions of the State Department of Health of Minas Gerais in Pouso Alegre. In the Presbyterian Church of Brazil he has served the presbyterate since 1989 and he is a lifelong representative and member and current vice-president of the General Assembly of the Instituto Presbiteriano Gammon de Lavras (MG).