Complementary Activities aim to broaden the horizons of knowledge and establish a culture of continuous professional learning, favoring the relationship between groups and the coexistence with social and regional differences. (relation)
Through the articulation between theory and practice - in the teaching, research and extension modalities - the complementary activities contribute to the development of skills and abilities, essential attitudes to the strengthening of the teaching and learning process and to professional stância training.
For the Architecture and Urbanism and the Design programs, the Complementary Activities are mandatory and are foreseen in their respective Pedagogical Projects, and can be pursued in both internal or external actions to FAU.
The Coordination of Complementary Activities and Extension of FAU-Mackenzie is responsible for its control and follow-up.

Gilvanete Maria Silva
Administrative Assistant
- + 55 (11) 2114-8289
Rua Itambé, 143 - Higienópolis, São Paulo - SP, CEP 01302-907 Prédio 10, 1st Floor / room 101