The Final Term Paper (TCC) is a compulsory curricular activity required for attaining a degree in the B.S. in Computer Science, B.S. in Information Systems and B.S. in Mathematics. It consists of an academic investigation, where one area of the chosen major is researched. The TCC is prepared under the advisement of an FCI teacher, within the research lines of each major. It is developed in three courses: Computational Research Methodology (MPC), TCC-I and TCC-II. In MPC, the student chooses the subject, the advisor, and structures an initial research proposal for his TCC. In TCC-I and TCC-II, under the guidance of the advisor, the research is developed. Preliminary results are presented in a poster session and the final results are consolidated in a scientific paper, both of which will be evaluated by the advisor and two other teachers at the end of the TCC-II course.
The internship is compulsory for all students and is seen as an important stage of the learning process and an opportunity for their insertion into the job market. Students are encouraged to seek it as early as possible, taking into account the need for the internship not to impair academic performance. It is very important for learning, as an entry point to the professional life of graduate studies. The FCI has an Internship Coordination, carried out by Prof. Dr. Vivaldo José Breternitz, who seeks to capture and disseminate offers of internship and employment, as well as guide the students in the development of their professional careers.
Higher education institutions are focusing their efforts to maintain undergraduate courses with more flexible structures, capable of guaranteeing a transdisciplinary education and valuing the human being, preservation of the environment, social integration and professional politics. In this sense, Complementary Activities (AC) constitute a way of providing consistent mechanisms for the development of these experiences that go beyond classroom learning.
Therefore, in 2009 the FCI constituted the AC in its Pedagogical Project and has since maintained a coordination that is available for clarification at the email
The university extension is the educational, cultural and scientific process that articulates teaching and research in an inseparable way and enables the transformative relationship between university and society, aiming at the socialization of academic knowledge. At the Mackenzie Presbyterian University, this program is linked to its vision and mission, which, is based on the confessional and philanthropic nature of the Institution. Extension activities are considered: programs, projects, courses, events, services, consulting, advisory services, curatorships, monitored visits, publications, and other academic products.
The Institutional Undergraduate Research Scholarship Program (PIBIC) and the Institutional Technological Development and Innovation Scholarship Program (PIBITI), funded by CNPq ( or by our University (, grant scholarships to undergraduate students involved in scientific research. The participation of the students in these programs allows additional development to the academic formation, reflecting in the future as professional or researcher in the area of Computing and Systems. The obtained knowledge broadens the student's vision in solving problems through the experience gained in establishing objectives and methods to reach the results and products of their research projects.