On June 27, 2023, the president of the Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute, Dr. Milton Flávio Moura accompanied by the direction of MackGraphe, composed by its General Director, Prof. doctor Benedito Guimarães de Aguiar Neto, Dr. Marcos Eberlin (RD&I Manager) and Dr. Marcelo Silva Oliveira (Project Manager), visited AMAZUL -Amazônia Azul Tecnologias de Defesa S.A, at its headquarters in São Paulo.
Amazul, a state-owned company linked to the Brazilian Navy, is developing the first atomic propulsion submarine and a multi-purpose atomic reactor (MRB) in Brazil, with various applications such as radiopharmaceuticals and extending the life of fruits and food in general.
The Mackenzie/MackGraphe entourage was received by the President of Amazul, Admiral Newton de Almeida da Costa Neto, and his team, and the discussion took place regarding the challenges of research and development projects in partnership. In the Amazul auditorium, many researchers from Amazul's nuclear area were introduced to the main areas of activity of the Institute by the general director of Mackgraphe and by the president of Amazul, its main ongoing projects. The contents of the exhibitions made clear the magnitude of both ICTs and all participants were excited about the possibilities for collaborations.
The Brazilian Navy is one of Mackenzie's oldest partners, having its first partnership, dating from October 1946, when they faced each other in the first sports competition between the armed forces and educational institutions in Brazil. The competition, known as Mac-Nav, continues to this day.
This successful meeting led to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between both institutions, which aims to prospect RD&I agreements, so that these two major Brazilian institutions can join efforts in the search for innovations and new technologies.