Research Areas and Lines of Research

Main Area

Psychology, Education and Health

Lines of Research

Studies on development and its disorders in the clinical, cognitive, behavioral, and epidemiological areas and their individual and social implications. Studies on the development of children and adolescents with typical development, with disabilities, socio-emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physical problems and/or neuropsychiatric conditions.

Faculty: Cristiane Silvestre de Paula; Elizeu Coutinho de Macedo; Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro; Maria Cristina Triguero V. Teixeira (permanente faculty members); 


Developmental neuroscience. Investigations into basic neural mechanisms that determine/are involved in development and its disorders. Studies with animals and humans with observation and recording of behavioral and molecular phenotype data.

Faculty: Ana Alexandra Caldas Osório; Paulo Sérgio Boggio; Miriam Oliveira Ribeiro (permanente faculty members).


Policies and forms of assistance in education, psychology, and health. Studies on typical and atypical development, including the study of national policies, specialized procedures and public and private care programs related to people with disabilities, with socio-emotional, behavioral, cognitive, and physical problems and/or neuropsychiatric conditions. Studies on innovative forms of care incorporating Information and Communication Technologies are also included.

Faculty: Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra; Ana Alexandra Caldas Osório; Cibelle Albuquerque la H. Amato; Luiz Renato Rodrigues Carreiro; Maria Cristina Triguero V. Teixeira; Natália Becker; Silvana Maria Blascovi de Assis (permanente faculty members); Ana Grasielle Dionísio Corrêa (collaborator faculty member).