General Information

We are delighted to invite you to participate in the IX BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE ON RHEOLOGY (BCR 2022) in São Paulo, SP, from 29th November to 1st December 2022. The conference will be held at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM), in the Higienópolis neighborhood of São Paulo. The conference is supported by The Brazilian Society of Rheology (a member of The International Committee of Rheology) and organized by Mackenzie Presbyterian University with the financial support of the Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa e Inovação (MackPesquisa).

The event will promote the exchange of ideas and knowledge among Brazilian researchers in the area, will continue the international insertion of the Brazilian scientific community, will intensify the relationship between Brazilian academia and industry, and will disseminate the area of Rheology in Brazil.

At the IX BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE ON RHEOLOGY 2022, topics such as Rheology and industry, polymer blends and composites, and biomaterials, among others, will be addressed. It will also include lectures and technical sessions taught in English. Thus, this event seeks more significant contact between Brazilian researchers in the field of rheology, where they can discuss scientific and technological advances with renowned national and international speakers.

In addition to the conference, you are invited to enjoy the city of SÃO PAULO, one of the most incredible cities in the world, cosmopolitan, vibrant, and the largest financial and cultural center in Latin America.

The Jesuits founded São Paulo on January 25, 1554, and today has more than 11 million inhabitants, the most populous city in Brazil and the largest Portuguese-speaking city in the world. Home of the large immigrant communities such as the Japanese, Italians, and Portuguese, with traditional ethnic neighborhoods such as Bixiga, Liberdade, and Bom Retiro, gives the city a fantastic culinary and artistic diversity.

The city has rich and diverse gastronomy, capable of satisfying the most demanding palates. Every year, it is featured with awards worldwide, of the most different types, with options ranging from luxury restaurants to street food. The art world is also enthusiastic here, where 101 museums (MASP, Pinacoteca, among others), 182 theaters, and numerous cultural centers and libraries exist. For those who like it, it has a busy nightlife with many bohemian neighborhoods, such as Vila Madalena.

São Paulo is also known for its architecture, housing many skyscrapers such as Mirante do Vale and Edifício Itália, and, even so, it has many green areas such as Ibirapuera Park.

We look forward to meeting you at the IX BRAZILIAN CONFERENCE ON RHEOLOGY 2022 in São Paulo, SP.

Areas of Interest
  • Rheology and Industry (petroleum, food, plastics, cosmetics, paints, mining,…)
  • Polymer solutions and melts
  • Blends and composites
  • Emulsions, foams and interfacial rheology
  • Suspensions and colloids
  • Biomaterials and biological fluids
  • Viscoplasticity and thixotropy
  • Advances in rheometry
  • Advances in constitutive equations
  • Non-Newtonian fluid mechanics
  • Rheology of Concrete


Mackenzie Presbyterian University, Auditório Escola Americana

Rua Piauí, 130 - Higienópolis, São Paulo - SP, 01302-000, Brazil

Auditório Escola Americana

Clique para navegar

Important Dates


Data for payment via deposit or PIX

WARNING: will only be accepted deposits identified with CPF or CNPJ)

The participants/authors must e-mail the payment proof, name, and affiliation to  

BCR 2022 follows international standards, in which 'post-doc' is considered as a professional. 

By paying your BCR 2022 Registration Fee, you automatically get two years of membership of The Brazilian Society of Rheology. 

To: Sociedade Brasileira de Reologia - SBR 

Banco: Santander

Ag: 4702   /    CC: 13002587-9 

CNPJ 11.846.626/0001-30 (PIX) 

Abstract submission

Participants interested in submitting a work for presentation are invited to submit an abstract following the template below. Abstracts should include title, authors affiliation(s) and addresses.  

Template: Abstract Template BCR 2022


We will have oral and poster presentations. Both modes will have to be written in English. However, the poster can be discussed in Portuguese. The commission will evaluate the works and decide the way of presentation. However, if the participant wants to present it exclusively as a poster, please send an email to, with the title of the work and requesting the poster presentation.


The Brazilian Society of Rheology will offer grants (registration + hotel) to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows who will present work at BCR 2022. The participants interested in the grant, please send an e-mail to with the Abstract, CV lattes and the graduate transcript (histórico escolaridade pós-graduação).

Instructions for oral technical sessions

The work as well as the oral presentation must be both in English. The time of presentation is 20 min, with the initial 15 minutes for oral exposition without interruption, plus 5 minutes for questions and interactions with the audience. To keep the conference running on time, the time of presentation will be strictly observed by the chair of the session.

An LCD projector and computer are available in the room for your use. Please, before the beginning of the session where your work is scheduled to be presented, make sure you upload your presentation on the computer.

Instructions for poster technical sessions

The poster size suggestion is 0.70 m (width) X 1.20 m (height) to better fit the fixation plates, which measure 0.80 m (width) X 1.80 m (height).

The Poster must be prepared in English, however the author can discuss it in Portuguese if he wishes.

Authors can use this PowerPoint template to prepare their posters. It is not mandatory the use of the poster template; authors are free to make modifications on the template to best fit their presentations.

All the participants should register below. Participants interested in submitting a work for presentation, please upload the abstract pdf. file.

Estou ciente que meus dados pessoais serão tratados nos termos deste Aviso de Privacidade e nos limites da Lei Geral de Proteção de dados.

About São Paulo

Organizing Committee

Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge Espanhol Andrade

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP


Prof. Dr. Guilhermino Jose Macedo Fechine

Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, SP

Prof. Dr. Edvaldo Sabadini

Universidade Estadual De Campinas, Campinas, SP

Prof. Dr. Danilo Justino Carastan

Universidade Federal do ABC, Santo André

Prof. Dr. Carlos Henrique Scuracchio

Universidade Federal De São Carlos, São Carlos, SP

Prof. Dr. Diogo Elias da Vinha Andrade

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS

Dr. Augusto Teruo Morita

Instituto Senai De Inovação - Materiais Avançados e Nanocompósitos - Departamento Regional de São Paulo, SP

Scientific Committee

Prof. Dr. Tomás Jeferson Alves de Mélo

Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, PB


Prof. Dr. Ticiane Sanches Valera

Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, SP

Prof. Dr. Edson Noriyuki Ito

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, RN

Prof. Dr. Sandra Andrea Cruz

Universidade Federal de São Carlos, São Carlos, SP

Prof. Dr. Lucineide Balbino da Silva

Universidade Federal da Paraíba, João Pessoa, PB

Prof. Dr. Marcelo Massayoshi Ueki

Universidade Federal de Sergipe, São Cristóvão, SE

Dr. Jorge Manuel Jardim da Silva

Braskem, Triunfo, RS

Previous Brazilian Conferences of Rheology

I Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2001, Petrópolis, RJ


II Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2004, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

III Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2006, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

IV Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2008, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

V Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2010, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

VI Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2013, Rio de Janeiro, RJ

VII Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2008, Curitiba, PR

VIII Brazilian Conference on Rheology 2008, São Leopoldo, RS

Program and Abstracts

The program can be found as PDF here: BCR 2022 - Program

The abstract list can be found as PDF here: BCR 2022 - List of Abstracts


Prof. Dr. Ricardo Jorge Espanhol Andrade


Graduate Program in Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology, Engineering School, Mackenzie Presbyterian University & MackGraphe - Mackenzie Institute for Research in Graphene and Nanotechnologies



