Master's degree
A discipline of method:
- Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
- Quantitative Research in Organizations and Management
- Applied Econometrics for Finance I
Doctorate degree
Finanças Estratégicas (FIN)
- Behavioural Finance
- Análise de bases de dados para finanças
- Finanças Corporativas
- Investimentos
- Valoração com Foco em Intangíveis
- Econometrics for Finance
- Valuation
- Finanças Sustentáveis
- Digital Finance
Gestão Humana e Social nas Organizações (GHSO)
- Individual and Organizational Learning
- Organizational Dignity and Management
- Transformative Learning in Organization and Management Education
- Organizational Culture
- Diversity Inclusive Management
- Gestão Inclusiva da Diversidade
- Human Values and Management
- Organizacional Change
- Mudança Organizacional
- O local de trabalho digital e suas implicações sobre o comportamento organizacional
- Teorias Organizacionais: Abordagens Críticas e Pós-Modernas
Conhecimento, Estratégia e Inovação (CEI)
- Competitive Environment and Dynamic Capability of Organizations
- Tecnologias e Técnicas para a Pesquisa Científica
- Strategic Knowledge Assets
- Strategic Resource Management
- Value and Business Model Development
- Management of Intelligent Technologies and Organizational Intelligence
- Strategic Innovation Management
- Behavioral Strategic Management
- Innovation in Ecosystems
- Fundamentals of Multicriteria Decision Analysis
- Operations Strategy
The two credits associated with required scheduled activities are connected with the completion of the following activities:
I – One scientific item developed during and stemming from the Degree Master’s Program, that is, the product of work done under subjects of the program or connected with the topic of the Dissertation. Proof of the required scheduled activity must be provided by means of a specific form to be submitted to the Program Coordination. Activities deemed valid for credit purposes are as follows: proof of presentation of one (1) paper at a scientific event of renown, and rated as such by the Program’s Collegiate Body; acceptance or publication of one (1) full paper in a domestic or international qualified journal within the domain of Business Administration or related areas, rated as such by the Program’s Collegiate Body; book or book chapter, whether published or awaiting publication; other non-endogenous scientific knowledge dissemination activities as approved by the counselor and the Program Coordination, and proven by means of an official statement from the institution or organization where the activity took place. Scientific production is valid proof of individual required scheduled activity for the first candidate by authorship order, even if developed in partnership with other students and/or faculty members.
II – Candidate attendance at research seminars, at a rate of one per semester, starting in the third (3rd) semester and up until submission of the Dissertation.
The two credits associated with required scheduled activities are connected with the completion of the following activities:
I – One scientific item developed during and stemming from the Doctor’s Program, that is, the product of work done under subjects of the program or connected with the topic of the Thesis. Proof of the required scheduled activity must be provided by means of a specific form to be submitted to the Program Coordination. Activities deemed valid for credit purposes are as follows: book or book chapter, whether published or awaiting publication; acceptance or publication of one (1) full, high-impact paper in a domestic or international qualified journal within the domain of Business Administration or related areas rated as such by the Program’s Collegiate Body; two full papers published or accepted for publication and presentation at a scientific event of renown rated as such by the Program’s Collegiate Body. Scientific production is valid proof of individual required scheduled activity for the first candidate by authorship order, even if developed in partnership with other students and/or faculty members
II – Candidate attendance at research seminars, at a rate of one per semester, starting in the third (3rd) semester and up until submission of the Thesis.