As we concern ourselves with the student’s full education, our choice of a literacy method would have to be a differentiated one whose results had been evidenced in other schools. We chose the Phonic Method, applied successfully in many countries around the world.
The Phonic Method, in summary, understands that the child needs to perceive that all speaking sounds he or she makes can be represented by alphabet letters and that the opposite is also true: all alphabet letters written in a word have sounds.
For the literacy process using the Phonic Method, we work with block letters from Pre-School Education. In the 1st grade, still with block letters, we formalize all perceptions from Pre-School Education, completing this process in the 1st grade of Elementary Education. Cursive letters are presented in the 2nd grade, in Portuguese Language, when we consider that the literacy process has been properly absorbed.
The development of reading and writing skills is a process conducted with the literacy process in our materials. We understand the development of reading and writing skills as the introduction of the child to the reading and writing culture. The development of reading and writing skills starts in Pre-School Education and ends in Elementary Education I.
For further information on our literacy methodology, we recommend you read the following books:
CAPOVILLA, Fernando C.; SEABRA, Alessandra G. Alfabetização: Método Fônico (Literacy: Phonic Method). Memnon, 2010.
JARDINI, Renata Savastano Ribeiro. Método das boquinhas –Livros 1 e 2-Fundamentação Teórica (Small blocks method- Books 1 and 2 - Theoretical Basis). Casa do Psicólogo,[s.d].
MORAIS, J. A arte de ler (The art of reading). São Paulo: UNESP, 1996.
SOARES, M. Alfabetização e Letramento (Literacy and Reading and Writing). 5th Ed. São Paulo: Contexto, 2007.